Happy Leo season! Are you ready for tomorrow's Full Buck Moon in Aquarius? (Here's a pic of my personal ritual.)

The moon will be full tomorrow and will move into Aquarius at 1:37 PM EST on July 23rd.
The full moon is always a time for illumination and release. It is an opportunity to revisit our new moon intentions and recalibrate as needed. This is a powerful time for shining a light on what wants to be revealed in our lives and for letting go of what is no longer working for us.
The air sign of Aquarius is known for being visionary and original and since this full moon occurs just after the sun moves into expressive and bold Leo, you may feel called to explore how you can change up your routine while fully expressing your individuality.
How can you harness these energies to bring more illumination and release into your life? Below is a three-question ritual for this month's full moon.
This can be done as a tarot or oracle card ritual (just pull one card for each question and use the images and meanings of the card to help spark your inner wisdom) or simply use the questions as journal prompts. Either way, set your space with intention to help you connect strongly to your intuition. Light a candle, play some music, burn a favorite incense. Engaging your senses will help awaken your awareness.
Full Buck Moon Ritual Questions
1. What is needed for me to fully shine right now?
2. What do I already have available to me?
3. What do I need to let go of to feel more fully expressed and aligned with my vision?
You may also want to place the cards you pulled on your altar for a few days to attune to their messages more fully.
If you'd like to connect even more to this full moon, join us in Moonwilde where we gather online in honor of the full moon and the new moon each month to amplify our connection through sacred sisterhood.
And, if you would like to dive deeper into your connection with the moon, you can get your free copy of this month's Moon Cycle Journal Guide right here. Or, if you are in the Moonwilde Membership, it is already in your member library.
Happy Full Moon!
Lots of love,